NetworkLink is a business accelerator providing operational advice and solutions for growing companies. /companies which want to grow.
Its purpose is to accelerate the growth of its customers, through internationalization among investors and customers.
Our missions of consultancy and expertise are about innovating French as well as international companies, start-ups or spin-offs. Our customers are generally expecting several things such as:
a strategic accompaniment,
the searching for industrial or capitalistic investors with fundraising,
the lobbying and the presentation of your technologies to large industrial groups or institutions,
the search for distributors in varied geographical zones,
the strategic accompaniment in the creation of international subsidiaries,
the constitution of key-partnerships and
the recruiting local resources…
We offer several services around 2 fields :
Growth acceleration :
> Fundraising
> International development
> Technology transfer
> Open innovation / Innovation hunting
> Strategic marketing
> Subsidiary creations
> Distributor research
> Growth boosting
> Lobbying
> Time to market reduction
> Operational business
> R&D and R&T partnerships
Operational Engineering :
> Coaching & Mentoring of ounders
> Country Manager recruitment
> Project management
> Head Hunting
> Executive coaching
On the fact that SMEs cannot settle their domestic market, NetworkLink has established a international network of experts and international business developers that enable its customers to develop in first markets worldwide.
Accélérateur de croissance à l'international
Networklink accompagne PME et Startups intervenant dans la stratégie de développement, business model, en levée de fonds et internationalisation.
NETWORKLINK s'appuie sur une équipe de très haut niveau diplômée de grandes écoles et des meilleures universités : ingénieurs, écoles de commerce, docteurs...ayant pour la plupart une double expertise : technique et business. Dans leur ensemble, nos consultants ont le goût de l'entrepreunariat et l'ouverture à l'international. Par leur expérience ils ont accès à divers grands comptes ou à des secteurs de pointe.
NetworkLink relies on a team of experimented professionals with high level graduation: engineering, business schools, chemistry... mostly having a double expertise: technical and business. Taken together, our consultants have a taste for entrepreneurship and international openness. Through their experience they have access to several major actors within technology industries.
NetworkLink through its network of nearly 70 international consultants in each continent is able to extend the radius of action in international development.
Two SMEs same activity will have any difference with the resources they hold. It is also possible to benefit from outsourced experts that will assist with project management for a specified period. These key resources will bring their experience and expertise and will make you more efficient.
Operational engineering assists eminently useful, with profiles that the company would not be able to acquire and retain the crucial moments in the life of the company. NetworkLink provides these experts under short-term assignments or recurrent.